Reporting E-Store Errors  

An Error Occurs:

In the event that a coding error occurs or one of our servers fails to service a database request you may see an error reported to your browser window during your shopping experience. If this occurs in the last step while confirming your order it is possible that a request to charge your credit card has already been sent to our payment gateway If you try your request again, it’s likely that a second payment request will be sent, adding a duplicate charge to your credit card. Instead of trying again, please take a screenshot of the error and contact our support team immediately so we can investigate and fix the problem. Be assured that reporting the problem will also allow us to extend your product’s expiration date so you can continue working while we resolve the issue. Thank you!

  • Take a screenshot,
  • Contact Support,
  • And we will follow up with you to ensure you can continue working with our software.

How to contact us: